Free Seo Tool to Check Sitemap accesiblity

The sitemap is a document that lists all the pages of a website. It remains in tact even if the site is redesigned or re-built. The sitemap contains the list of all your pages and any info you want to include about each page, such as title, meta description, keywords etc. It helps search engines find your site easier too! Our free tool here provides fast results to check if your site has Sitemap available or not. Just entry your domain and click 'Checkup' below.

Check your URL:

sitemap.xml files should be on root of your website and should be accessible with Sitemap entry also should be in robots.txt just like below:

            User-agent: *

sample sitemap.xml files looks like below:

          <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
          <urlset xmlns=''>

If you are looking for a way to build backlinks in search engines, you should know that the sitemap is one of the best free and effective alternatives to create an attractive index for your website.

The sitemap test is a simple and accurate way to figure out if your site is structured correctly. It's designed to tell you which pages are easy to find, and which ones are hard to find. With sitemaps, businesses can use their existing content to build a more formal information architecture (IA) structure around the organization's overall goals and vision.

The most important part of your Google search engine optimization strategy is your sitemap, which contains all the URLs associated with each page on your site. Google crawl's and index's every single URL on a sitemap, so if you don't have one, those pages are missing from the index and may never be found online.

A sitemap is a file that shows all of the pages on your website and their locations on the site. When your visitors click on a link on one page, they can go to another page or even leave the site altogether.

A sitemap is on-the-go SEO friend. It contains a comprehensive list of all the pages you have on your site, as well as all the relevant metadata describing those pages. A sitemap is essential for search engine crawlers and helps to make sure that your content is being seen by potential customers.